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How can I hide my profile picture to non-friends who click on my profile with new Facebook privacy settings? - Printable Version

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How can I hide my profile picture to non-friends who click on my profile with new Facebook privacy settings? - Rosie - 03-31-2014 07:51 PM

I used to be able to make it so NO ONE can add me as a friend (now I see that the only option is to have only friends of friends add me or to have everyone add me. I see no option for no one) and I used to be able to hide my profile picture from people who aren't my friend.

I can't seem to figure out how to do this with the new privacy settings, and it seems like Facebook intends to keep that information public. Can anyone help?
Adrian, that is not true. I had it so that my picture didn't show up to people who weren't my friends, meaning if I posted on someone's wall, and a person who wasn't my friend looked at the profile pic thumbnail next to my post, it would just show up as that facebook default with the drawing figure, not my actual picture. I want this option back.

- Adrian - 03-31-2014 07:54 PM

Anyone could see you profile picture before because whenever you posted on a discussion board or wrote on someones wall they could see your picture. BUT they cannot see your profile because your name is black (no not being racist, it is not a hyperlink which is blue) and they can't click on it. So you are still hidden from searches and clicks, but everyone can see your profile picture so chose it wisely.

- WONDERING? - 03-31-2014 08:10 PM

people cant see your actual profile picture with the new settings if your settings are FRIENDS ONLY...But I have noticed that everyone who finds me on other peoples walls can click on my name and if they are friends of friends they can see all my pictures in my "PROFILE PICTURE ALBUM" I can see other peoples so 100 percent I bet they can see mine. I HATE THE NEW PRIVACY SETTINGS. I wanted to avoid people from work even knowing im on facebook.