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Who is looking at my facebook profile!? - Printable Version

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- zoliky - 04-01-2014 01:40 AM

No, no, and no. It's impossible! Read the facebook TOS:

Facebook currently does not provide an application that allows users to track profile views or statistics on the views of any specific user content. Third party developers, however, may offer applications that provide some of this functionality. Please keep a few things in mind for these applications:

Applications CANNOT track profile visits for users who simply go to another person's profile; Facebook has made this technically impossible.

In order to be tracked by an application, you will need to specifically agree to allow the application to track your actions.

- ♥☺Kate☺♥ - 04-01-2014 01:46 AM

No, Im kinda glad because I visit this one persons page alot (:
But there is this app that says you can see who is viewing your profile..but its not true, it picks out random people.
Hope I helped.

- Selena - 04-01-2014 01:49 AM

There isn't any program on Facebook that can help you tell if someone is viewing your profile. All the notifications, groups, and pages that say there is is a lie.

- Rom Cartridge - 04-01-2014 01:57 AM

Facebook doesn't allow people to track who views their profiles. Facebook applications, on the other hand, are unable to track anybody unless they have the consent of the viewer.

Follow the source to see the Facebook's statement about this issue.