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Why do I relate to East Asian people and not others? - Printable Version

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Why do I relate to East Asian people and not others? - Nicole - 04-01-2014 08:30 AM

Weird question but...I live in Australia, my year level is about 50% East Asian/Chinese international students, for some reason the white people and Asian people do not mix much. I am the only white person in my friendship group and I have no friends that are not asian.

I am wondering:

-why is it that school classes and friends are often split down the middle racially and often not racially mixed, it's not like anyone is racist or doesn't like each other?

-and why is it that both my parents are of relatively anglo descent and I have not been raised in an asian culture but I get along with asian people so well, and can't seem to make new friends with anyone who is not?

- 721 - 04-01-2014 08:35 AM

Maybe because the way you were raised, maybe you had East Asian friends while growing up, so got used to their mentality and culture so its no surprise if you make more East Asian friends.

There are users here who have experienced being a minority in school or location so that might come into play.

I'm East Asian, born and raised in the UK, where I live, dominated by White people, in school not many East Asians and I have more white friends than East Asian friends and white girls are also friendlier to me than East Asian girls. Maybe its to do with my personality because I'm not your stereotypical western East Asian that likes Korean dramas, KPOP, Japanese cartoons or take photos or use social media all the time. I love Sports, I have tattoos, I have a very English accent and so on.

It generally depends on the individual, I'm sure there are white people that shares the same interest and hobbies as you.