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Why can't i get a girlfriend? - Printable Version

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Why can't i get a girlfriend? - Brendan - 04-01-2014 04:03 PM

I'm a 17 year old male from London and i can't get any girlfriends at all! I don't understand why. I really think its because of my looks, I've been told by many of my guy-friends that I'm not ugly and that i'm attractive, girls i know say I'm not ugly some even call me attractive! But i don't believe it. I have a wonderful personality, i make people laugh and smile so it can't be my personality that I can't get any girls I've been rejected so many times and, its upsetting because all my friends are in relationships except for me! Why can't I get girls to like me?

Here's my facebook page if you want to judge my looks
Thank you

- 485 - 04-01-2014 04:11 PM

It could be because women dont find your personality to be attractive.