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Why do guys poke me on facebook? - Printable Version

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Why do guys poke me on facebook? - Megan - 10-15-2012 08:19 PM

So this junior that I've talked to a couple of times in my sales and marketing class poked me on facebook.
And I don't know we've barely ever talked so I was kinda wondering WHY he would poke me on facebook? He didn't strike me as one of those over-the-top-flirt-with-anyone-who-has-a… types so I don't really think thats it
I'm probably reading too much into the situation but I've always been curious why people (more specifically, guys) you don't really know just poke you on facebook. It's not like they drunk-poke you or anything, I'm pretty sure most of them are conscious of the fact that they are poking you even though they don't know you..

Yep if you guys could give me you're opinion that would be mucho appreciated Smile

Oh also he's already my friend on facebook...
He's not creepy or anything as far as I can tell.

I poked him back but just out of curiousity.. I usually never poke back people, I never really saw the point. And now we're kinda caught in a poking war and I have no idea what the point is.. I'm just pretty clueless.

- Marie - 10-15-2012 08:27 PM

he is obviously trying to get attention from u.
but i'm not sure if he just did it in a friendly way or more than that.

all i know is he likes u either way.

- john - 10-15-2012 08:27 PM

I deleted my facebook. Im not sure what it means. Maybe it means hes just saying hi. I dont like social media networks anymore. I dont need it. Some people like my mom are addicted to checking those things and my cousin and its disgusting so im trying to prove a point lol