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Why do Girls put their pics PUBLICLY on facebook? Misuse can be done.. Or for attention..? - Printable Version

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Why do Girls put their pics PUBLICLY on facebook? Misuse can be done.. Or for attention..? - needy - 04-02-2014 11:57 AM

- Christina - 04-02-2014 12:07 PM

Yes and didn't help :-(

- Mirza - 04-02-2014 12:13 PM

To gain attention and because a lot of them especialy the younger ones are brainwashed by the mass media- they do it because they think they have to

- Don - 04-02-2014 12:18 PM

They might be too busy to upload photos that they forget to change privacy settings.

- Matthew - 04-02-2014 12:30 PM

They do this because they think they're hot and want the world to see them. They aren't thinking about privacy or what can happen with the pictures they post. Social media is turning us into a very narcissistic society

Another thing they don't think about is what happens when it's time to get serious and try to get into a good school or get a good job. Schools and employers check social media to weed out the good from the bad candidates.

- mafahiim - 04-02-2014 12:41 PM

Depends on the country. in my country they build an electric fence around their profile!!