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How long are you temporarily blocked on Instagram for liking photos? - Printable Version

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How long are you temporarily blocked on Instagram for liking photos? - Caroline Brooks - 04-02-2014 01:18 PM

I was scrolling down my news feed on Instagram and liking photos and a thing popped up from Instagram saying I was blocked from liking photos how long does that last?😞💙👥💬

- bibas - 04-02-2014 01:32 PM

you are scrolling down your news feed in instagram and liking photos and a thing popped up from instagram saying and you are blocked and you can like the photo to you can wait a some days to unblocked your account.

- Brennan - 04-02-2014 01:43 PM

It is usually about 3 to 4 weeks beacause it happend to me also. it sucks😔😞

- Hii - 04-02-2014 01:58 PM

did they unblock you yet? same thing happened to me.