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I want to become a singer but I'm too nervous to start playing live? - Printable Version

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I want to become a singer but I'm too nervous to start playing live? - Arctic Monkeys - 04-02-2014 02:39 PM

I'm pretty sure I can sing, and I write my own songs too but I've never truly sang in front of an audience before (i have once or twice, but it was low key and wasn't really a performance). I know I have to get over these nerves in order to get myself into the music industry somehow but I don't know how to get over this nervous feeling. There's this girl I know who posts covers on facebook, and I think I can sing better than she can but for some reason I don't think I'll get the same feedback she gets because she's quite popular. I know that once I take a big step and sing in front of someone and hopefully receive positive feedback, I won't be as nervous. I just need to figure out a way to take that step. I've tried joining my school's glee club but I chickened out of auditioning (and the glee club isn't that great anyway). Should I take choir next year? Do you think singing with a group might make it easier for me to sing by myself? Any feedback would be great Smile xx
Liz, why do you keep shooting me down? Tons of modern singers have never had vocal lessons. They usually get vocal coaches later, but no record producer is gonna look at how long you've taken singing lessons. Besides, I've been singing for a while and my throat is fine. I know not to sing with my throat.

- lucinda - 04-02-2014 02:51 PM

To be honest, performing in a group and performing solo are quite different from each other. For one thing, when you are in a group, you are working with other people. I can see what you mean, as the saying goes "safety in numbers".

However, you are saying that the main problem is that you get nervous before performing right? Everyone gets nervous, it's normal. I'm a guitarist, I've gotten mostly used to performing in front of people but even I still get nervous. I just wonder if all the things you've said here are the things you may end up thinking about before you perform. Assuming the latter, just don't bother thinking and focus on clearing your mind and calming yourself. This will most likely distract you from your goal and affect the impact on the performance. Don't worry about getting the same feedback as another person - everyone has a different style or way of doing things, therefore if the kind of critique you get isn't the same as the popular girl on facebook, it may be simply because you sing different genres.

Just try not to overthink this. It's your choice if you want to be in choir or be in a group.

- Stephenie - 04-02-2014 03:05 PM

Taking choir will help with your fear of singing in public. I would def start there. Singing in a group will def,. help you with your fear in singing in front of crowds.Then I would sing in front of your friends for feedback. I would make a cd of you singing, that you could play that instead of doing it live at auditions. You have to think positive and go for what you want in life. Its not going to come to you.

- Liz - 04-02-2014 03:07 PM

If you want to sing solo in the music industry you have to go for at least 5 year of offline face to face singing lessons to learn correct singing techniques, otherwise you risk voice damage. If you don't want to or can't afford the singing lessons then join a choir, but you will have to have the lessons for several years, 5 or more if you are wanting to join the music industry. Before you have had the lessons there is no point in worrying about singing solo.

- Ben - 04-02-2014 03:09 PM

I have no idea about your way of singing the songs but I want to say that singers are singers who sing LIVE safer and better singers than those who only sing in the studio by their defects repaired with special effects.