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Are all actors and actresses sociopaths since they can manipulate emotions on a movie, or no? - Printable Version

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Are all actors and actresses sociopaths since they can manipulate emotions on a movie, or no? - ? - 04-02-2014 10:18 PM

- Empty - 04-02-2014 10:33 PM

Actors don't manipulate emotions, they express emotions as instructed by the script, and enhanced variously depending on the medium by lighting, music, staging, camera angles, etc.

How does that make them sociopaths? A sociopath demonstrates anti-social behaviour. You seem confused by the English language.

EDIT: Athena's post is ridiculous. Actors are not more likely to have a "thin" mental state than anyone else. The fact that the occasional "star" pops up in the press is because they are famous, not because they are actors. Plenty of dentists could have mental health issues, but it would never get in the papers. Journos and papparazi long to find salacious stories about famous people, whether they are true or not, and many "celebrities" are happy to get in the papers at any price. That has nothing to do with acting.

- Athena - 04-02-2014 10:47 PM

Not in the least, but it is not unusual for actors to have thin mental status.

- Katrina E. - 04-02-2014 10:57 PM


And you give actors to much credit. In a movie, TV, show or play there are a ton of other people involved in putting together the production. It's not just the acting - there's music, lighting, and so many other things that contribute to an audience's experience.

- Natalie - 04-02-2014 11:07 PM

Yes. Yes, we are. Every single one of us.

(Please carefully study Empty's and Katrina's responses - they should clear things up for you.)

- Illy Q - 04-02-2014 11:18 PM