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Facebook album privacy? - Printable Version

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Facebook album privacy? - Button.Monster - 04-03-2014 12:01 AM

Ok be prepared to be a bit confused, but hopefully some fb geeks can answer my question Smile
Here's an example of the situation:
I'm looking on my friends profile, and I flick through her tagged photos. So on one photo, I am able to look at the whole album of that photo (I'm not friends with the person this album belongs to, but I'm a friend of a friend), but on another photo (belonging to a different person) the album name has no link, so I can't click to view that whole album. Now I assumed this was because the person set their album's privacy to 'friends only,' since I am a friend of a freind of that person.
However all of my albums are 'friends only,' and I managed to find out, that with people who I'm not friends with on facebook, when they look at my friends tagged photos, they can't see a single photo that I have tagged my friend in.
So my question is, how come when I tag friends in my album, their friends cannot see that photo at all, why is it that it isnt' like that situation a mentioned earlier; that they're able to see the photo but not the whole album?
Ahhh Rocket, thing is, I have block a few family members from looking at my tagged photos, so my sharing on facebook settings is now under 'custom' and not 'friends only.' When it's under 'custom' that check box option is not available!!

- Vidahlia H - 04-03-2014 12:17 AM

I'm still confused. If a friend is tagged, then they should be able to see it. Unless (like you mentioned) the privacy settings apply. Maybe there's a glitch. Facebook has been pretty wonky lately.

- Rocket - 04-03-2014 12:28 AM

ohh... this is because.. on your privacy settings.. you have checked the box..
"Let friends of people tagged in my photos and posts see them."
to see if you have done that... go to your "privacy settings"
then... on that little chart that says "Sharing on Facebook", if you have chosen either "friends of friends" or 'friends"' notice that little box that says.. "Let friends of people tagged in my photos and posts see them."

now... if that is checked.. it means even if you album is placed as 'friends only' the friends on the friends tagged will still be able to see it Smile

hope i helped!