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How to make her a close friend? - Printable Version

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How to make her a close friend? - OSuckerForLovex - 04-03-2014 12:13 AM

I am 15 and there is this girl that I like.

We used to share a class together. We got on really well and we used to flirt with each other and one time she used some excuse to touch my arm. Before we could take things further we moved into our new year and don't share any classes. We decided to talk on facebook. Due to exams this stopped in December. last tuesday I decided to talk with her and ask her how her prelims went. We didn't get on long. From the way she talked as well it suggests our friendship has slipped. I was thinking this Tuesday (exactly week from last time talked) I would ask if we could meet up. I have a few questions and I will number them

1. Is this a good idea to try and get us closer again?
2. Should I ask to meet her at lunchtime or after school?
3. There is not much to do in our town no cinema or anything like that. Will I just take her to a coffee shop or something like that?

- ABeeflewIn - 04-03-2014 12:14 AM

Since your original relationship was fairly open to interpretation, I would keep it pretty nonchalant so she doesn't feel backed into a corner. You need recon work to validate/invalidate what happened before. Do what you have to on your end, but on her end, make it seem simple. For example, message her that you are running some errands over her direction on such-and-such a day, and thought it might be a good chance to say hi and grab coffee to catch up. Then when you do meet up, make the time all about catching up on HER life, in a friendship way. This will open her up, and you will be able to interpret her responses (bored, eyes lit up that you are asking, etc)

Potential isn't necessarily lost- it just needs to be regained in a non-pushy way.

A short (45 min or less- then excuse yourself to finish your errands) meeting will put you back in her mind, show her you are genuinely interested in her well-being, and remind her of any feelings she may have had before, without locking her into a date.

If she's like most girls, she'll go home that evening and think about you, and it will give her a chance to evaluate your chemistry. Don't ask her out that day. After initial meeting, if things seemed great, find a way to get out with her along with some other people- again, relationship building without pressure. Step three might be a date.

Best of Luck! Relationships are complicated-mostly by us women.