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How to give up the adiction of facebook??? - Printable Version

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How to give up the adiction of facebook??? - mahapara - 04-03-2014 01:15 AM

I m 14years old.. in 7th grade... i've been using fb since 2011. it have been 3years m using fb... but now a days for some stupid problems i cannot use fb..... i dont know when i'll be able to use it again.. and now um feeling so bad im missing fb too much... it has became a drug for me.. peoples r instrigating me more by talking about school my frnds r talking about fb... and i cant do anything... im feeling sooooo..jelous !!!! can anyone plz tell me what to do now?

- Matt - 04-03-2014 01:22 AM


- HOUSTON - 04-03-2014 01:24 AM

Yes its called get a life. Also you may want to pay more attention in school if this is how you spell. It scares me too think it's the younger generation who is going to take over one day when we all pass on. So if facebook and things like this are more important to you then wanting to better educate yourself and one day have children then please put down the laptop and get outside or play sports maybe even find a girlfriend (one who isn't on a computer)

- play_festivity - 04-03-2014 01:33 AM

I don't know your background, but if you stop whining and decide to take a stand for what you believe in and start fixing the shit in your life, you'll be so much better than the rest of your friends in a few years. Plan your life goals and start working hard toward them!

- Rankine Zero - 04-03-2014 01:41 AM

How about focusing on things that matter your schoolwork.
Unless you want a shiny bright future flipping burgers.

- Sandra Brec - 04-03-2014 01:56 AM

Instead of typing on your browser. It is a company that provides security and housekeeping services in the Delhi/NCR area. Log on to the site and learn about the company. Or you can visit any other website other than This will help you gradually get rid of your facebook addiction.

- מר כוס - 04-03-2014 02:00 AM

the only facebook you need is when your mum puts a book on your head to measure your height on the doorframe.