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Is Obamacare working as designed? - Printable Version

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Is Obamacare working as designed? - Harry - 04-04-2014 01:56 AM

It’s official: Obamacare debuts with more canceled plans than enrollments

Oregon Mother: I Can’t Afford Obamacare For Myself, 1-Year-Old Son

'They had no idea if my insurance was active or not!': Obamacare confusion reigns as frustrated patients walk out of hospitals without treatment

More New Taxes and Fees: How You’ll Pay for Obamacare in 2014

Obamacare Contractor Blamed for Slow Medicare Payments to Hospitals

Emergency Visits Seen Increasing With Health Law

Poll: 59 percent report negative experience with ObamaCare

- Milo - 04-04-2014 01:58 AM

225,000 people already lost their insurance here in Michigan. That's "progress" to a liberal.

- Liberals Rulez - 04-04-2014 02:02 AM

That's change you can believe in® , man.

- Johnnie Blocko - 04-04-2014 02:07 AM

All part of the plan to take total control of what was once the best healthcare system in the world. For Ubama, it's running like a Swiss watch.

- YB Logical - 04-04-2014 02:22 AM

No one can say.
The Obamacare which is being implemented is only a shadow of the Obamacare passed by the Democrats.
Those who insist that Obamacare IS working show a willingness to accept a program full of failures and broken promises as a "success", proving that they are also willing to accept an America where exceptionalism and performance are no longer of value.
"Forward?", I ask.
"Hope and change?"
More Kool-Aid?

- Pragmatism Please - 04-04-2014 02:33 AM

It's working for me but I seem to be in a minority. By this time next year we won't be talking about Obamacare any more because the wrinkles will have been long worked out. For now, it may help us Republicans in the upcoming midterm.

- Max Hoopla - 04-04-2014 02:44 AM

Can you give it more than a day to get off the ground?

- 042 - 04-04-2014 03:00 AM

Obamacare is a failure, he delayed the employer mandate so Democrats can get past the midterms and he has succeeded in causing 6 million more people to not have insurance than before it was implemented.

- MoodyRed - 04-04-2014 03:16 AM

When you say as designed, I think it is. It was designed to take over 1/6th of the economy and continue to take even more power and control over the people.
It already limits our freedom to choose what we want, and it will continue restrict the liberty that we fought for, for generations.
Many have died to keep this country free. The costs will go up as time goes on, and eventually lead to single payer with the government in complete control of our lives.

However, the people did vote for change, and much of this was done through lies. It may be the change they live to regret.


- Progress - 04-04-2014 03:29 AM

Keep trying. 6 million people are now covered who wouldn’t have otherwise been covered. And that number will go up by the millions. Get over it.