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It's LONG, but pls pls help me out: Does he like me? Should I move on? 10pts! Pls help? - Printable Version

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It's LONG, but pls pls help me out: Does he like me? Should I move on? 10pts! Pls help? - Annie - 04-04-2014 04:45 AM

I know this guy for a month. He's a hockey player for my college.
- He offered me a hockey stick because I dressed like a hockey player for the Halloween.
- He never says hi to me first in the lab (we have lab together twice a week).
- I saw he looked at me once or twice during the lab.
- He ALWAYS looks at me during the hockey warm-up, and breaks. (I'm a big hockey fan and I always go to watch hockey).
- My friend told me he looked straight to me during the warm-up.
- He never keeps the conversation going through text
- He always replies my text without a short answers.
- He always uses exclamation, haha in the texts
- I started to text him "Good luck on games day for 3 weeks now.
- The only thing he texted back is "Thank you!"
- When our eyes met during the lab, I smiled to him, and he smiled back.
- I am always the first person who initiate the conversation.
- He AVOIDED to walk with me twice.
- I followed him on twitter, but he hasn't followed me back for a month now.
- He blushed when I flirted with him once.
- He didn't text me back twice.
- He didn't text me at all when we were on Thanksgiving break for 5 days
-- We texted for an hour once. But I texted him first.
- He gave me a puck (I asked him for it). And I asked him to take a picture together. He was so blushed that time.
- I texted him "Merry Christmas! Smile" He texted me back "Merry Christmas to you too!" And that's it!
- We are on school break right now. He hasn't texted me at all!

Does he like me?
Idk he's shy guy or nor, but I doubt it because he has many friends on twitter (both boys & girls). But he's quiet around people except his close ones.

He just broke up with his ex 6 months ago.
He still follows his ex's social media accounts.

- Nat - 04-04-2014 04:47 AM

I would just move on. but maybe he does like you. try not texting him maybe he I just used to u texting first if he doesn't text you for over a few weeks move on but it is possible that hes just shy don't worry about it tho because if he likes you he will try to talk to you

- Emily - 04-04-2014 04:55 AM

Oh phew. Apparently I'm not the only one who over-analyzes things. Wink Just looking at what you've given me, I'd say no. However, I know nothing about his character and personality, or yours. In other words, don't base your decision on what I say.

- Alex ♥s candy - 04-04-2014 05:11 AM

He may not completely be over his ex yet. Guys like being pursued as much as girls do, so maybe he is taking advantage of the fact that you're the one trying to start something.

- Jessica - 04-04-2014 05:15 AM

I'd say maybe he's considering you, but is unsure. Either that, or he is REALLY not a good texted. I would say keep your options open and not get hung up on him and try too hard. If he really is interested in you he will make an effort to keep your attention and hang out with you more.

- Meg - 04-04-2014 05:26 AM

I think he might be trying to decide if he likes you or not. He probably confused, but doesn't want to commit to anything or get a realtionship going until he finds out for sure. The best way for him to find out is if he sees you with someone else. You don't have to date someone else. But maybe go to him and say you need advice from a friend on a relationship with someone else. Then he will feel hurt and know he likes you if he does. Then tell him a week later that it didn't work out, and then he might ask you out! Idk it's just a thought.

- Tom - 04-04-2014 05:27 AM

You have asked about 40 about him just tell him you like him don't leave it like 20 years he proberly likes you asking the same question day after day isn't helping so please just tell him that you like him