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Why did my cousin deleted my mom from Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why did my cousin deleted my mom from Facebook? - Alissa - 04-04-2014 11:16 AM

I currently jailbroked my phone and i have thing where you can see who looks at you profile and who deletes you from Facebook. So, this morning i check any updates from my moms account and see that my alien cousin deleted her pf Facebook. Of course, i thought, "what a dumbass!" He also looked at my moms profile.

Idk if it's because of the rumors going around, he thinks he is rich now, or he just hates my mom.

Sorry if i call him my alien cousin. The story is that he is skinny, talll, boney, dark skinned, black hair, and it makes him look like an alien. I haven't met him, but he looks like he is a total dumbass in real life and idk how he gets so many f&%^ girlfriends!

It's terrifying! :0

So why did my alien cousin delete my mom on Facebook? He also deleted my cousin too.

- Precious Gem - 04-04-2014 11:25 AM

He has issues I guess. Ask your alien cousin.

- TBONE - 04-04-2014 11:33 AM

He probably had sex with both of them and now he needs to make a clean break.

- TBONE - 04-04-2014 11:38 AM

UHHH that whole see who looked at your profile thing is all a scam! They just pick out random people and claim they looked at your profile when really they didnt! Your cousin probably unfriended your mom ages ago. Why does he need to be friends with a distant aunt he probably never even sees.