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will vodafone 360 charge me for using Facebook app? - Printable Version

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will vodafone 360 charge me for using Facebook app? - WelshBabe2010 - 04-04-2014 06:47 PM

i have a vodafone 360 samsung H1 phone and downloaded Facebook App yesterday. i am on sim-only contract 300 mins and unlimited texts. i was wondering.. will they charge me for using the facebook app?

- sheetwowsheet - 04-04-2014 06:59 PM

If your contact bundle is only 300 mins and unlimited texts then yes, you will be charged for using apps. Your best bet is to contact them and find out how much you owe already as it can be very expensive if it's not included in your bundle.

- emmmaa - 04-04-2014 07:02 PM

No I am on the contract with 300 mins and unlimited texts and I always use the facebook app and I have a H1 too, and I never get charged, it is just the internet, you get 500 mb, and this doesn't really waste them. If you are unsure whether or not you are spending money then connect up to your WiFi by selecting the grey WiFi button on the main menu, app screen. If you are unsure what some of the buttons are then hold down on them and it comes up with what it does.

Hope this helps Smile