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Why all of the racism by democrats? - Printable Version

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Why all of the racism by democrats? - RJC - 04-04-2014 10:01 PM

Black Dem on Clarence Thomas: White wife OK, but justice is ‘Uncle To m’

Supreme CourtJustice Clarence Thomas can add another insult to the list of things “liberal elites” have attacked him for: his marriage to a white woman.
While on the the floor of the Alabama House of Representatives, state Rep. Alvin Holmes, a black Democrat, explained why he so dislikes Clarence Thomas: because “he’s married to a white woman,” reporter Mary Sell of The Times Daily and Decatur Daily tweeted Wednesday.

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- Joe - 04-04-2014 10:16 PM

Because liberals/Democrats are a bunch of corrupt hypocritical bastards. They hate the guts any human being, such as Clarence Thomas, who is decent and pure. ESPECIALLY a Black man who has escaped The Liberal Plantation.

He doesn't fit their idea of what a Black person should be, so they tie him to their own whipping post.

- 343 - 04-04-2014 10:26 PM

Q. What did the necrophiliac say to the pedophile serial killer?

A. "Can I have him when you're done?"

- Patrick4024 - 04-04-2014 10:36 PM

Clarence Thomas was not opposed because of his race, but because of his past conduct.

- Dallas - 04-04-2014 10:37 PM

Racism accusations and low information voters are the pillars of the Democrat party. It is all they have.