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My dad is pushing me too much? - Printable Version

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My dad is pushing me too much? - Child Of Ghost - 04-05-2014 12:06 AM

I have just started a program in college which is the field of study I would like to pursue into a possible career in a few years. It's more demanding and I'm going to try hard to maintain the workload. However, I thought that I should reduce my workload a little bit because I have autism with a learning disability and do not take in information as quickly as other college students can (especially in lectures because I learn better by doing, rather than listening) when I asked my dad for his opinion he said I don't need to and he thought of it as an excuse for me to spend more time on the social media sites I have accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. That's not true, I love going on those sites on my free time but now and in the future when I have down time after working probably eight hours a day. Same thing also applies to my other passionate hobbies: video games, listening to music, fansites, writing, etc. Once again my dad is going on and on about the all work no play rant. He starts talking about how when he was my age his parents gave him no support with his education (even though he does support me with my education) and he almost had no down time he was always working (especially since there was no internet during his generation.) and goes on and on about how much he and mom have sacrificed to raise me and my brother (especially after they learned of my diagnosis when I was 4 years old) But I'm from a different generation and I see life differently. In the future I would like to have a job that pays good and is a job that I want to have, work at least eight hours a day, and maintain balance between work and play. If priorities such as college and work are a must I will temporarily put my hobbies aside for the moment, but it sounds like he wants me to sacrifice them and when he says that it sounds like he doesn't want me to use them for entertainment anymore. But I don't want that, I love spending my free time, browsing the web, social media, writing, reading, video games, music, etc. and also doing social things as well such as going out with friends. I'm going to be 21 years old in less than six months and I'm tired of getting this from him whenever I get stressed from college workload or maybe work demands in the future. Why can't he just understand that I do care about my grades and my future but I also care about having time to myself as well to do the things that make me happy when I have finished studying or working for the day?

- Precious Gem - 04-05-2014 12:17 AM

You are old enough to make your own decisions. Unless dad also suffers from Autism he doesn't have the right to compare you to himself. He hasn't walked in your shoes. You do what you feel you can do and if that means you need to lighten your load then consult with your college counselor and get some guidance and options. Good luck with your studies.