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HELP INSTAGRAM RESET MY PASSWORD? - Kaitlyn - 04-05-2014 01:17 AM

Omg someone please help me!!
Ok so I think someone hacked into my account or at least tryed to.
When I tried to log in, it said that in order to secure my account they had reset my password for me!!!!

But I don't remember the email to my account!!!
I can't connect to Facebook either!!!

What do I do?!?!?!
I remember my original password and how to log in bu IG has reset it why??

Is it possible to email them about this issue??
Or how to get in contact??
I even have proof because I have photos and an unfollowers app

I have proof that the account is mines and its super important to me
I'm so sad
Some please help me

- Veera - 04-05-2014 01:29 AM

send a mail to the instagram support team..they will help u,,

- Juan Colt - 04-05-2014 01:45 AM

You will want to get in contact with instagram. They will be able to help get this resolved.