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do you think she likes me? - Printable Version

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do you think she likes me? - knicks541 - 04-05-2014 01:31 AM

So obviously I know that no one can really answer this question but the girl who I am crushing on but I figure I would just get a second opinion or two about the situation.

So this girl I work with (retail) I have had a crush on for the past few weeks has been acting "different" I guess around me. Whenever she sees me she puts on a big smile and waves to me. She laughs at a lot of my dumb jokes or little things I say. Sometimes she mimics some of my sayings. The other day we had to do an overnight shift together and she asked me to stay by her so we could talk.

When we had our lunch, I didnt go into the break room to eat with everyone else. I was busy and had some other things to take care of and later on she said she was looking all over for me. She always tells me "You rock." Whenever I call myself stupid for messing something up she tells me "No you're not." To me this all points to the fact that she might like me, but then again I really dont know.

Here's what really drives it home for me, but at the same time idk if I'm just getting screwed with. She has made physician contact with me on two occasions. The first time she grabbed my arm when her hands were freezing after she had just come from outside. I really didnt think anything of it,I thought she just wanted to tell me it was cold without actually saying anything. Another time walked by me and touched my back. Another girl I worked with said "She totally wanted to touch you." I was kind of stunned, but I just figured that this other girl was trying to screw with my head. These girls are friendly (they are friends on social media) but I'm not sure about outside of work if they hang out, so idk if she maybe said something to this other girl about having a crush on me.

I am also not from the same state as her. I'm not going to say where just to make this as ambiguous as possible, but I think that could be the reason why she is acting this way. Maybe she just likes the fact that I'm not a native of the state and she is just crushing on that instead. Wild speculation but idk

I'm sorry about this wall of text. Like I said I just wanted a second opinion. I'm not the best when it comes to realizing this stuff. I don't want to mess anything up at work and make things awkward. What do you think if you were in this situation.

Is this girl just overly nice? Or does she maybe have a little crush on me? If you read all this text then thank you for taking time to help me with my situation.

- postal p - 04-05-2014 01:33 AM

She really likes you. It is bad to date a co-worker though. When it eventually goes bad, it gets real awkward in work.