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How do I prevent bad advertisements from showing up in my computer? - Printable Version

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How do I prevent bad advertisements from showing up in my computer? - Mindy - 04-05-2014 01:45 AM

When I use google or facebook these advertisements of obscene women show up. Small text underneath state "adds not by this site". How can I prevent these advertisements from showing up? please and thank you.
Thank you Ark Mustang

- Arka Mustang - 04-05-2014 01:53 AM

Add an ad blocking plugin in your browser.

If you're using google chrome try this plugin (it's totally safe and it does not slow down your browser).

If you're using firefox try this plugin.

sorry i am not a level 2 member yet so my links are not clickable, please copy and paste the links in your URL bar and press 'ENTER' to go to the plugin pages.