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On, stock market, what do these numbers mean, 100@579.83 AAPL (Apple) for example? - Printable Version

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On, stock market, what do these numbers mean, 100@579.83 AAPL (Apple) for example? - montoy_vlv - 10-15-2012 08:21 PM

Since facebook IPO, I'm interested in stock market but I have no knowledge whatsoever.

- Steve D - 10-15-2012 08:29 PM

Means that a transaction for Apple stock just went through - someone sold/bought 100 shares of Apple at $579.83

- i like turtles - 10-15-2012 08:29 PM

That is a real time ticker, it means that 100 shares of Apple were sold at a price of $579.83 per share.

- John W - 10-15-2012 08:29 PM

Let's say somebody wants to sell 100 shares of Apple stock at a price of at least $579.83 so they place a sell order for 100 shares with a limit of $579.83. The exchange checks the order book to see if there is a bid at a price of $579.83 or higher and if one that meets or exceeds the limit is found then that's the trade that occurs. If a bid high enough to meet the limit isn't found on the books then the order to sell becomes an ask of 100@579.83 on the order book till a suitable buy order is found.

Similarly, if somebody wants to buy 100 shares of Apple at a price of $579.83 or less, they would place an order to buy 100 shares with a limit of $579.83. If the lowest ask on the books does not meet this limit then the order to buy becomes a bid at $579.83 on the order books.

Values such as 100@579.83 represents unmatched orders that are on the order book. If you click on "Market Depth", you will see the three to five highest bids sitting on the book and the three to five lowest asks on the book.

- zuma - 10-15-2012 08:29 PM

4. Price Traded - The last bid price for the trade being quoted.