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What Should Be The SEO Techniques in 2014? - Printable Version

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What Should Be The SEO Techniques in 2014? - Pujan DZ - 04-05-2014 03:14 AM

- Biborno - 04-05-2014 03:29 AM

Google made some changes after their hummingbird update. To provide the best search result to the visitors Google made this changes. Site content is most preferable for Google indexing. Now SEO is much easier than before.
Here is some tips for SEO:

- Rozer - 04-05-2014 03:43 AM

SEO techniques always remain same whether it is 2014 or 2013. Use of techniques and priority has changed these days. Previously we do directory submission and social bookmarking in bulk and get good rank, but is counting as spam now-a-days. Also Google is appreciating quality over quantity. The demand of content marketing increases and Google is now giving equal worth to social media channel's preferences and recommendations. So key of success in SEO is use each technique equally and create link in your niche under Google guidelines.

- 593 - 04-05-2014 03:55 AM

I think in 2014 will be more secure and remove the all spam websites from the Google search engine. Stop the low quality work like guest posting, bookmarking and other activities which are you doing. Matt Cutts release one new video on 20 DEC for the stop guest posting and it will be punished. So I think the best seo practice is doing the good on page and interlinks with the good quality content.

- Dani - 04-05-2014 03:58 AM

Hope checking this can give better idea :

- Ben Wood - 04-05-2014 04:07 AM

Google's recent updates, link building by spamming does not work anymore and that's a good thing. To succeed with your website in 2014, you have to do the right things.

- Alex - 04-05-2014 04:19 AM

hello to all,
according to me posting of article or blog can defiantly gain links but it should be unique.
yes i go with rozer idea that earlier we do directory submission in bulk & get our ranking on top. but after the update in september 2013 we have do focus on quality & also on quantity.
social media is also another method to increase visibility of your website.

- Crystal vhiony - 04-05-2014 04:31 AM

Happy New Year! 2014 is a new chance for SEO practitioners to continue their run on coping up with the inevitable search engine algorithm updates. This year, you gotta be more keener in doing your researches. If in the previous years, you are able to write old and duplicated contents, this year, you got to throw them on the bin or rewrite them to a fresher, more interesting and more exciting post.

Next, you gotta revamp your social media strategy. If you already established a strong presence on Twitter and Facebook, then this time, you have to try new ones out - Pinterets, Instagram, Slideshare or Youtube. Promise yourself also that you gotta be more active and more engaging to achieve the maximum interaction for you to get a faster conversion.

This year, SEO is far different from what it was 10 years ago. Everyday, you have to prepare yourself for new stuff that will continue to challenge your expertise, patience and strategies.

- 544 - 04-05-2014 04:40 AM

SEO tips in 2014 are to focus or concentrate on content creation, it should should be formed the way your audience loves and shares it as much they can & generate tons of quality links without any tiny effort.

- Jaques O - 04-05-2014 04:43 AM

Go have a look at below sources..
They have up to date methods, just look around