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photography advice lol :)? - Printable Version

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photography advice lol :)? - Alexis - 04-05-2014 06:55 AM

so. I am mainly a nature photography. ppl keep telling me to start a facebook page and try and get my stuff out there because someone could see it and might wanna buy it or request stuff. problem is. i am ONLY a nature photographer and i honestly dont know how well thats gonna work? think i should make a fb page? if so, how on earth would i go about it? lol
nature photographer. geez lol

- B K - 04-05-2014 06:56 AM

Facebook is not taken seriously in the world of photography because once you upload your photos facebook resizes them and adds jpeg compression which severely affects the quality of the images.

If you want to do that sort of thing, get a free flickr account instead. Flickr is designed to show off your photos. I can't guarantee anyone want to buy them though.

- john - 04-05-2014 07:01 AM

Honestly...the amount of competition that already exists within photography circles these days I'm surprised how anybody gets noticed.

There really isn't a 'shortage' of good photography...and I haven't heard of anyone selling their images from a 'facebook' page...If you really want to get noticed then join photography forums and enter your shots in competitions if you are any good you'll start reaping the rewards...

Photography seems a lot easier than it really is...and every teenager thinks they are the next 'hotshot celebrity snapper'...reality eventually hits home though...and when these teenagers realise the amount of work and financial investment that's involved they tend to jump onto the next get rich quick scheme.

- Branyan Moore - 04-05-2014 07:08 AM

Yes, I would make one. Just know the consequences when putting your photos on Facebook.

- Steve P - 04-05-2014 07:09 AM

I agree with BK that a Facebook page is not taken seriously by any competent photographer, but not simply because of what FB does to the photos. It is because every entity that can draw a breath today seems to think they are a great photographer and plaster all manner of awful snapshots on FB and call themselves a "photography business". It would be funny if not so pathetic. Clueless wannabes are the stock and trade of FB. If you actually think you have some sell worthy photos, then get them on a proper site, even one that will allow online sells. A site on Zenfolio will show you to be a sensible person, not the typical, naive idiot on Facebook calling themselves a "photographer".


- Photofox - 04-05-2014 07:16 AM

There are literally billions of photographs on various internet sites. The chances of anyone stumbling across yours and wanting to buy them is very unlikely.
Sorry but that's the way it is these days.

- mrdat222 - 04-05-2014 07:27 AM

Depends what you're true goal is with your photography.

If you're looking to get attention from possible clients, FB is great. (sorry BK and Steve). If you're looking to share with other photographers, then Flickr is great.