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Serious Situation - Serious Answers Only? - Printable Version

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Serious Situation - Serious Answers Only? - 2Honest - 04-05-2014 12:36 PM

I am now a single mother, after nine years. My partner cheated on me probably more than 3 times last year (2013) and once in (2014).
I found numerous "dating sites" in which he had made accounts with. On one specific site, he had posted pictures of his private parts and I had also noticed that there were personal pictures of my body, as well. He has never helped out with any finances what so ever, in the last 3 years. He is a huge drinker and a huge marijuana smoker. Constantly posting profound and sexual posts on Facebook. My concern is my daughter. Not because of him physically touching her, but because of what he might be doing in one room, while she is in another. (We have moved out) I know that my daughter and I, both deserve better.
I would just like to know what my "legal" options are. I only need answers from people who have been through something like this or actually know a thing or two about the "system" - "law". He can't get away with this! I gave him everything.

- Gina - 04-05-2014 12:51 PM

First of all, let me tell you there is no magic wand that will solve this. But you have taken the best and first step by leaving his lying, cheating self. And by taking your daughter with you, you have proven yourself a mother who puts their child's needs and safety ahead of her own. This happened to me. I found out my fiancée was actually MARRIED throughout our entire 3 year relationship. He would have been a bigamist since we were set to walk down the aisle! But I did what you did. Only I kicked HIM out. Then you hire an attorney and you do the best you can to keep life as regular as possible for yourself and your daughter. Don't think about the what-ifs or what-could've-beens or you'll drive yourself crazy. Make sure you get child support. If you can't afford an attorney, you can file with the ISDU (Illinois state dispersement unit) Good luck to you. You did the right thing.