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My friend is talking sh!t about me to my friends . What should I do ? - Printable Version

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My friend is talking sh!t about me to my friends . What should I do ? - Alex - 04-05-2014 03:03 PM

So here is what happened . We know each other for like 2-3 year. When we met there was also this girl witch he used to date , but they broke up I think after we met , but we were still friends . However the girl start to give more attention to me than him and after a while he started b!tching that we are talking behind his back and one day he just pissed me off and I told him to stopbeing such a b!tch and act a little bit like a man .

After I told him that he started ignoring me and I think that he was talking sh!t about me behind my back because all the friends who I had around me and him (hope you know what I mean) started also ignoring me .

I'm really pissed off because those were good friends and now they hate me for no reason . He is too pathetic to beat his a$$ . Talking sh!t about him will be stupid because only people he is friend with are those that he turned against me and also thats a bit pathetic . So if any of you were in my situation what would you do to get revenge on that f*cker and perhaps get his friends back or atleast let them know the true .

- Good Guy - 04-05-2014 03:07 PM

get revenge and karma points at the same time.

don't be violent, or talk sh!t back, just act like the bigger person and hang out with some peeps that are cool with you

stay cool and calm and collected, in a week this will all be back to normal, true friends stay true friends, but true friends also fight a lot more. just like family, we love our friends but we get pissed at each other cause were always around each other.

dont text them. stay off social media a few days, and know that if you didnt do anything wrong so you shouldnt put in any negative effort thatll tarnish your rep.