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Could destroy freindships need help? - Printable Version

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Could destroy freindships need help? - bee - 10-15-2012 08:21 PM

So i have this page on facebook and every thursday i make somewone admin. But recently these 2 best freinds have to compete against each other for admin( no i can't just make them compete against somone else it has to do with points) and now the one freind is getting angry because the other is infront of him with points and 2morow could be made admin. I mean i could bring 2 best freinds apart here and i would feel horrible if that happened. Any advice on how to solve this? my one freind suggested i make them both admins but thats aginst the rules and it would mean my word means nothing. Please help i have only about 12 hours to decide before its admin picking time.

- Chelsea - 10-15-2012 08:30 PM

Don't pick either of them.

- Stoobie - 10-15-2012 08:30 PM

How are the points made? If the person in 2nd gets his/her points up, it could possibly be a tie, and they would both win.

Or, follow the rules, make the 1 admin. Explain to the other that you have to follow the rules, warn the one you make admin that if he/she rubs in, or belittles anyone saying he/she is better than everyone for winning, you will demote him/her for being disrespectful towards other members.