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Are women more disrespected then say, 10 years ago? - Printable Version

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Are women more disrespected then say, 10 years ago? - kaylee - 04-05-2014 09:02 PM

I feel like with social media and so much stuff we didn't have 10 years ago girls are getting disrespected more. I feel we are doing it to ourselves though. We are starting to do things and say things we never did 10 years. So are female celebrities, representing themselves in a way that has always been sexual, but now it's getting to be over the top sexual and tacky. I don't think things like "twerking" would ever really fly in the early 2000's

- Natalie - 04-05-2014 09:05 PM

No, I think they are getting disrespected approximately the same amount.

- .Jerry. - 04-05-2014 09:09 PM


If you go back far enough women's status was actually elevated in the society. Chivalry was a code of respect and honor for women.

Since female emancipation via feminism women's status is equal to that of men's. Modern men have been given the signals that treating women preferentially, such as holding doors open for them, is sexist. Each new generation of boys has grown up with woman beside them as their equals. Girls are now the same as boys women the same as men.

Now when modern woman act out of place or expect preferential treatment, they are called out and disrespected, rightfully so.

Feminism. The radical belief that women are men.

- MushroomKing - 04-05-2014 09:25 PM

Meh about the same.

- Ya Coffee - 04-05-2014 09:37 PM

I think you are right. Nobody is even questioning that portraying women as sex objects is not desirable anymore. The media celebrates celebrities as being beautiful - but how much of this beauty is fake - make-up, surgery and photoshop? The porn industry has grown and many young people grow up with more fake sexual fantasy icons. Humanity is being left behind. I think women are more objectified than in any point in history and it does not look like it is going to get better because sex sells.

The problem is so many women sell themselves way too short because of it. Also this is like a tidal wave - hard to swim against for the individual woman.

@TGB IV - Your Worst Nightmare If it was only one magazine, it would not have had the impact that it has had - it is so much more.

- Miss Honey - 04-05-2014 09:43 PM

Right.... just imagine lil kids growing up to this and nobody doing anything,
that's why nobody likes middle east bcuz over there the stuff in America can't be done. Unless being punished for it.

- 590 - 04-05-2014 09:56 PM

Women mostly objectify themselves.

It was a feminist who encouraged this behavior through Cosmopolitan magazine.

@ ya Coffee - Who is to blame for this?

- Karen - 04-05-2014 10:07 PM

I think women objectify themselves is because sex has become a more of a value towards american media. Women objectify themselves because they know men approve of it while sex is also being a value in our media. Women will not have to objectify themselves if it wasn't for men.