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Why is there still so much racism today? - Printable Version

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Why is there still so much racism today? - mezi - 04-05-2014 10:24 PM

I read in the newspaper the one underwear model wrote on twitter: "Encountered a disrespectful ni99er in a store today...should have punched him...should have". Why is there still so much racism in our society today? I thought we're moving foreward?

- Asthma Hound - 04-05-2014 10:39 PM

Because you watch MSNBC...

- ScalesofJustice4 - 04-05-2014 10:51 PM

Lay it all at the Feet of Barack Hussein Obama.

- Maurice - 04-05-2014 11:06 PM

I think the problem is we've tried to legislate "equality" or lack of racism. Life, unfortunately doesn't work that way. Things like affirmative action in many ways promote racism by a) the perception that minorities can't succeed without special treatment due to something lacking on their part, and b) fostering resentment on those who might not have been racist BEFORE, but after not getting a job due to a less qualified minority candidate getting the position.

- My America - 04-05-2014 11:19 PM


thrives upon

racial division

- Nomadd - 04-05-2014 11:29 PM

What made you think we were moving forward?

- Emmanuel - 04-05-2014 11:45 PM

it's simple, racism is passed down by parents and because it's still being passed down it still exists

- Par 4 - 04-05-2014 11:57 PM

Maybe the disrespectful idiot shouldn't have, oh I don't know, maybe he shouldn't have been respectful? Maybe this never would've happened?

- Lost Equation - 04-06-2014 12:03 AM

Racism goes back before Abraham has always occurred and probably will always occur. It is a matter of how parents educate their children (all races). If children hear negative remarks from their parents, they believe those remarks and will most likely grow up teaching their children the same values their parents had. There is racism with blacks vs whites and whites vs blacks and now with muslims...many people don't defferentiate between radical muslims and muslims.

- expertgal - 04-06-2014 12:17 AM

The Liberal Media hypes it every chance they get. I remember when Blacks
protested because there were more Whites on pro basketball teams that got
to play. Now look, we usually see four Black players and a token White guy.
Hollywood takes part of the blame by starting to make Black/White marriages
attractive (remember "guess who's coming to dinner"), and now Marriages of
the same sex. I've noticed Blacks will agree with other Blacks no matter what
activity or crime they've committed. (Trayvon Martin, for eg.) America has move
backwards about race relations in the past ten or fifteen years. I also think
affirmative action put a roadblock in race relations. It will take a
very long time to reverse this trend (if ever).