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Is Facebook Sponsored Advertising worth for B2B Business? - Printable Version

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Is Facebook Sponsored Advertising worth for B2B Business? - Sigma - 04-06-2014 01:42 PM

- Kathleen - 04-06-2014 01:50 PM

No I don't think Facebook is a good place to advertise B2B Business. I would rather try out Google Adwords or advertise on sites that are relevant to your business niche.

- Success W - 04-06-2014 01:54 PM

Well, as per my experience Facebook is good for B2C rather than B2B.

Facebook is a social network and advertise products or services which is of social need then it would convert more.

So, for branding purpose its good to go but for the ambition to collect clients, then Facebook is not a worth platform.

- Dexter - 04-06-2014 02:10 PM

I also think that facebook is a good social media platform to advertise your business and to get popularity.