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Facebook account problem? - Printable Version

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Facebook account problem? - ashley - 04-06-2014 02:25 PM

My facebook acount is being so slow for a week now and my home page is full of advertisements. And under my profile picture on the left are two links added : Change your layout and remove your layout. When I go to their website I cant remove that and its a website for downloading layouts for facebook. After I log out my computer still is too slow. Oh and when I go to facebook frm another computer its normal. What should I do?

- DJ Snugg - 04-06-2014 02:40 PM

get an anti virus software cuz either facebook got hacked, your computer got a virus, or both

- Sydrox15 - 04-06-2014 02:45 PM

Delete whatever the fuck you downloaded on Facebook.. (the layout app) it's a scam. And download Anti-Maleware Bytes. It helps alot.

- kv195 - 04-06-2014 02:55 PM

Maybe just clean out your computer.
-Go to start(usually located on the bottom left corner of your screen), then type in the search box "disk cleanup". Then when your at the screen where you can check boxes, check all of your boxes there.
-you can also remove unessesary programs on your computer by going to control pannel, then look at programs, then click unistall programs. Then you should check to see if you have any programs there that you don't need.
-Also you can try to do a FULL system scan, cuz the thing you downloaded might've been a virus. Try searching up "microsoft security essentials" on google, then download that. Don't worry it's not a scam/virus, as long as your downloading it on a trusted website, like