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is the ufc going to far? - Printable Version

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is the ufc going to far? - Shadam - 04-06-2014 08:04 PM

i really think so im so disgusted with the way they run things today. i wish they were back on spike. first they fine nate diaz for calling caraway the "f word" they drop a guy for alleged neo nazi ties and now they wont let Tyler Manawaroa go to the ufc even if he wins tuf because he allegedly posted something racist on twitter or facebook or whatever. i dont think these things are good to be a skin head or the other things but i dont thinkits the ufcs right to punish them for it.

biggest issue is there going after pirate sites and by all means do that just do what there doing by going after the ppl who watched on those sites, now i buy my ppvs but there really not always worth it. comcast refuses to give my fox sports 2/fuel so i have to find a stream of them if i want to watch them. so basically the ufcs going after its fans that cant afford to buy its ppvs which is totally disgusting

did you read what i said about ppvs, i buy them. and freedom of speech dawg joe rogan dont get fined, hed quit if they took it that far. he pays fighter nothing then tells them what they can and cant say dana whites turning into don king. ive always hated the way the nfl nba , ect censor there athletes.
can yall read? its not that there going after the sites there going after they ppl watching the streams on the sites whitch if its a fox sports 2 card probibally includes me. you have no issue with them going after there fans that cant afford ppvs? cause i have a huge issue with that.
lets say your all famous martial arts instructors with many fans you sell online videos. but somebody has put your instructions on youtube for free. now yea i have problem with you pulling those videos. but then you go after your own fans who watched the pirated material. your all good with that? youd do that? i wouldnt. and yea the nfl fines its athletes too for these things. i dont know what tyler posted but i think hes somoan and it was supposed to be a joke about ppl of color getting arrested , hes ppl of color. nate wasnt calling caraway gay when he said that he was calling him a coward had nothing to do with sexual preference. joe rogan says more contraverial things every single podcast he records and dana says crazy things too but they dont get fined and i dont think they should. why does the ufc profit when somebody says something they shouldnt have.
really well guess what alot ma and mma fighters do act and feel that way so do alot of guys in nfl nba boxing ect i want realness i hate the way atheletes arnt alowed opinions i love guys like allen iverson and diaz bros for trhe way they act thats real i dont like mayweather but ive always respected the way he doesnt give a fck. lets be real these guys are savages there modern day gladiators. dana white just complained about the pussification of a nation bhu hes taking part in it. and i love joe for what he says not complaining

- Bogeyman61 - 04-06-2014 08:18 PM

The reason they are handling those issues the way they are is they can not take a chance on being viewed, IN ANY WAY, as supporting the negative behaviors and beliefs of those individuals. To allow that type of behavior can jeopardize their future as an industry. The UFC has enough issues with people's views of their integrity without them allowing blatant behaviors such as these to make it worse.
The UFC is not the only fight venue around, but it is the fastest growing one. It would behoove fighters in the future to check their personal issues at the door (so to speak) and to be "professional" at all times.
As for your issue with PPV, is there a local sports bar (pub) you can go to that carries these events? That's how I handle it, and because I don't drink anymore I just tell them I am the "designated driver" (which I usually am) and they let me drink soda for free.

- callsignfuzzy - 04-06-2014 08:22 PM

Nope. Their protecting their image and their product. Employees represent their company, and the UFC has the right to have only the employees they want (you know, not racists or using hate speech) getting paid their money. And they're going after illegal sites? What's wrong with that? THEY are not in the wrong here.

There's a lot of things I don't like about them, but none of what you're describing bothers me.

- Paul - 04-06-2014 08:36 PM

there nuts if they think they can charge 60 bucks a pop and people will
buy it but they seem to think theyre doing the right thing because the price keeps going up
then the fertitos shat their pants when strikeforce started to take over and bought them out
looks like were playing unfair with these bozos

- Shaeeck - 04-06-2014 08:47 PM

Their handling of bad personalities is how a professional company should handle themselves. These bad elements make the entire martial arts world look thuggish and that is the last thing that either MMA or martial arts as a whole need because in much of societies eyes it is still a macho barbaric sport that many countries still do not want to be show in their country.

As for going after people who have limited availablity to PPV events well this is smart business to ensure the sport is around for a long time because they are targeting a completely new section of the public that otherwise would not have been exposed to the sport.

Everything they are doing is to ensure the future of the sport but its the old school thinking that people want to see the old ways is what would have seen the sport die throughout the world. This is why they add rule changes, weight divisions, females fighters - its all marketing and whether you like it or not - SPORT IS BIG BUSINESS so if that means they lose some of their old followers to get thousands of more followers and younger audiences then they would gladly throw you under the bus so to speak.

- jwbulldogs - 04-06-2014 08:58 PM

You need to understand that in this sport the promoters and the company has an image and reputation that it must protect. If the image is shown in a negative light by showing racist views as being acceptable the sponsors and other supports will not continue to support it. Advertisers will pull their money and then no one would make money. You must protect your image/product as well as its athletes.

So no the UFC is not going too far.

As far as going after those that pirate PPV they have a right to do so. They can go after places that stream if they don't have a contractual right to stream. This would be well within their rights.

If the fights are not worth it every consumer has aright not to pay for it. If enough people don't pay they will be forced to adjust their prices or put on a better show.

- STICK AND MOVE - 04-06-2014 09:11 PM

The UFC is a brand, so therefore they need to make sure their fighters don't do anything too outlandish outside of the cage. Just like the NFL, NBA, MLB, etc... you say some dumb sh*t on twitter, you're going to likely get fined.

You make a great point about Rogan and the things he discusses/says on his podcast, but he's a comedian and he's good about not doing anything to put himself in a bad light or say anything that would be deemed unacceptable.

As for the PPV's, f*ck that noise. The UFC can do whatever they want to keep people from pirating or streaming their PPV cards, it's not going to work.

You can't beat the internet, and just in general, maybe if they want people to buy their PPV's they should stop putting so many on and constantly making people pay for their fights.

We can't even watch the asss end, bottom prelims anymore b/c of this new UFC TV (or whatever bullsh*t it's called).

Nobody even used to watch those fights, but since people enjoy watching two fights on Facebook for free, why don't we make them pay for it instead?

The fighting game is a business, and like I said the UFC is a brand, but it's annoying how greedy they have become.

- Chris - 04-06-2014 09:25 PM

They don't want everyone to assume all fighters are brainless meat heads saying and doing dumb things. They all know up front what is expected of them it's no surprise to any of them. Everyone remembers the trouble makers, morons and altogether bad people affiliated with any sport, UFC is trying to weed those out before they are known only for these morons.