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My Ex RE-adds me on facebook but doesnt talk to me? 10 PTS!!!!!? - Printable Version

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My Ex RE-adds me on facebook but doesnt talk to me? 10 PTS!!!!!? - Aliciahi5 - 04-06-2014 09:41 PM

i deleted my ex off my facebook about 3 months ago. Then on christmas he re adds me back and sends me a message saying merry xmas and put 5 kisses. I responded thanks you too and he didnt say anything back.

i dont get it? hes the one that dumped me (said he lost feelings), now that were friends on facebook, he NEVER likes anything of mine or bothers to talk to me but he always likes his friends posts/status/pics/ect..

whats going in his head? why is he doing this?

- Ozzie - 04-06-2014 09:47 PM

He's playing with your head and feelings.

He dumped you as HE lost feelings. He either has found his feelings for you or he is testing the waters so see how far he can push you before you crack and take him back.

Be careful of him.