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Korean language help!? - Printable Version

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Korean language help!? - Nicki~ - 04-07-2014 09:35 AM

Hello! I am learning Korean and am getting farther, but a really big issue is that I have no one to talk to in Korean. I do not have any Korean friends, or anyone else learning Korean with me. I am seriously alone. I listen to K-pop and learn some things. I also am having issues on learning how to give myself an introduction. Like saying what my personality is like, where I've lived, and what is my favorite (food, drink, group, etc.). I need help with language partners, and learning more than just basic Korean. I want to know enough so if I went to Korea, I would atleast know enough to get myself food, a place to stay, and getting to and from places.

- 1331Nj - 04-07-2014 09:40 AM

Hey.. There's nothing to be worry about.. You have to learn from the basics and go on from there.
You can't be an expert in just a day or so .. Smile..

Have you tried learning through TTMIK ( talk to me in korean ) ? .. and HaruKorean? Smile
In facebook . there's a group called Learn Korea With Us .

Wish you best of luck.

- kawaii - 04-07-2014 09:51 AM

You can go into a study abroad program to korea and you will learn Korean and visit many places in the program. Meet new people just like you who wants to speak and vist Korea. Plus there will be nothing to be worry about.

- 790 - 04-07-2014 10:06 AM

find a penpal in korea, visit daum cafes and stuff & find friends there