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Who looks at your Facebook Profile? - Printable Version

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Who looks at your Facebook Profile? - Julie - 04-07-2014 12:29 PM

I have been getting a lot of group requests to join the following two groups
2. To find out who your profile look

and i was wondering if this is spam...i'm thinking it is, but wasn't sure. I just want a confirmed answer so I can tell people not to click on it.

- lumpy c - 04-07-2014 12:43 PM

I think it is. It's not "allowed".

- charles w - 04-07-2014 12:55 PM

It definitely is spam. If you click on it, your account will be hacked, and it will appear as though you are sending these requests to other people on facebook

- Iris - 04-07-2014 12:57 PM

Group requests come from people who are added as your friends. And yeah only my friends are allowed to see my profile.

- ♥ Melody♥ - 04-07-2014 01:00 PM

well if it is in private nobody can see anything try looking and your settings,

- funnytim - 04-07-2014 01:06 PM

First off, to another answerer, this is a group request. Clicking join will only allow/let the user to join the group. Nothing more. S/He will not get hacked or requests sent appearing to come from him/her simply by joining a group. This isn't even close to hacking.

If you don't understand the question please refrain from answering to avoid creating confusion (unfortunately this goes for a number of answerers as well).

Anyway back on topic:
No it is not real. Groups cannot do anything more than display their messages, etc. They cannot interact, or even see, your profile in any way. Below is the explanation:

The Facebook terms do not allow this to happen (for anything, including, but not limited to, pictures, videos, and the profile page itself). ie. Facebook does not allow users to track profile views or see statistics on how often a particular piece of content has been viewed and by whom.

There have been several applications that have claimed to do this in the past, but they either didn't work or were removed by facebook for violating its privacy terms.

Third party developers, however, may offer applications that provide some of this functionality, subject to the following terms:

1. Applications cannot track profile views for users who simply visit another person's profile. Facebook has made this technically impossible.
2. In order to be tracked by an application, you must explicitly agree to allow the application to access your information.
3. Adding an application that provides this functionality is purely optional. If you do not want to participate, please do not add the application to your account.

Recently there has been a group claiming to be able to do this, but since groups cannot do anything other than display the group itself (ie. no functionality like applications) it is obviously fake.

Unlike myspace, Facebook's philosphy is to let users view what they want without others knowing what they viewed.

Please help spread the word and let people know that this group is fake and does not deserve to be on facebook. The creator is simply a low-down person who wants to try make him/herself look smart.