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Does she like me back? - J-T - 04-07-2014 12:50 PM

I REALLY like this girl, I've had the biggest crush on her for so long now, were friends, not like super close, but friends, I can't tell if she if trying to flirt or not, sometimes when she passes me in the hall, she'll say my name in like a flirty or teasing way, occasionally she'll even touch me.....but sometimes she won't do anything and just completely ignore me, I don't understand her. She'll tease me sometimes (in like a silly/flirty way, not mean way) Also we have had some really good texting convos (on Facebook cuz I don't have her number) but I ALWAYS chat her first, she always seems interested and she always seems like she wants to talk to me, but yet she never messages me first. She says my name a lot (in texting and in person) if that means anything. But I just really like this girl, I love her actually and I just want to know if she likes me or not.
I'm 17, she's 16
Do u think she like me why or why not???

- Kelly - 04-07-2014 12:51 PM

From the way you described it she might be interested in you but shy... that would explain why she doesn't chat first... try asking for her number sometime so you can talk a bit more

- Dine - 04-07-2014 01:07 PM

man, this is a hard one because there aren't enough details. I'm a girl and I do that to my guy friends a lot like say their names in a really friendly way (I wouldn't say flirty but yeah like that). The reason why she doesn't message in you on Facebook is because that's just natural. girls wait for the guys. girls don't do a first move, that's just who we are. we like our man going to us first. anyways, but there is just that one thing, you said she says your name a lot. When I like a guy, I don't even wanna say their name and stuff because idk I think it's just me but it's super weird to call or say their name when that is just what you say all the time when you're around with your closest friends you know. you talk about then a lot that their name just feels like this foreign country that doesn't even know how to pronounce it's name. anyways, you gotta give more details in my opinion so that people could give you a legit answer like how she acts when she's around you?