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Ex bf acting strange?!..? - Printable Version

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Ex bf acting strange?!..? - L - 04-07-2014 02:11 PM

My ex emailed me a few times but I'm not sure why or if I should continue speaking to him. He left about 9 months ago. Started dating someone else right away. We were together for 8.5 years & have known each other for about 16. He has never once stated anything regarding our relationship in the emails. The first one said he had a nightmare about me and wanted to know if I'm ok...?? The last one I waited over a week to respond & he responded right away at 3AM! I haven't spoken to him since he left till now.
I even changed my number I felt soo betrayed & hurt. I'm confused & cannot be friends with him. Ugh...??
Then today my sister tells me he's liking things on her Facebook! Their not even friends on there! Wich means he searched for her & liked whatever he could see... What the efffff..? ( He blocked me then recently unblocked me) This is someone who completely pushed me out of his life months ago.. Help!

- Skylar - 04-07-2014 02:13 PM

You just need to ignore him and block him he sounds really strange...

- L - 04-07-2014 02:20 PM

Sounds like he's regretting his decision maybe. But he did eff off and leave you and try out another woman so it's not exactly romantic when someone says 'oh I sh***ed another woman for a while and it made me realise that I miss you' so sack him off and ignore his c*ap.

- Ask - 04-07-2014 02:37 PM

Block him on any social media site. Tell your sister and close friends to do the same. Ignore him. He broke up with you and started dating someone else immediately. You need to move on, and be happy in your life. You can't do that if he keeps contacting you. Push him out of your life, like he did to you.
If you want him in your life, ask him why he's doing this. Ask him why he broke up with you? Why he pushed you out of his life? And why he's contacting you now?
Figure out if you love him and want him in your life, if not-- let him go!

- Ela - 04-07-2014 02:44 PM

Well, he's clearly looking for a way to get back into your life. Maybe he just wants to make amends? I don't think that's creepy.

Remember, you two were together for a LONG time! It's natural to still care about you, even if he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you any more. Or maybe he does, who really knows but him.

Either way, if it's too hard on you emotionally to stay in contact with him, just tell him so. I bet he'll understand.