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How do I tell online friends that I am fake? - Printable Version

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How do I tell online friends that I am fake? - anonymous - 04-08-2014 02:06 AM

October 2011, I was on a social media site as a roleplayer. However, my roleplaying girlfriend at the time wanted to get to know the real me and asked for my name and I gave her a fake name. I did it because everyone always tells you that you should never tell anyone online who you are and whatnot. But then it all spun out of control, I got to know more people under my fake identity and I had lots of people developing crushes on this fake persona and my extreme inability to tell people I don't like them back resulted in many broken hearts. In March 2012, this one girl told me she had feelings for me to which I replied that I, too, had feelings for her. Here's where it gets nasty, we started dating and our two year anniversary is coming up soon. I, of course, feel like absolute and utter garbage for doing this. I've become depressed, I've started harming myself, I have suicidal thoughts and I've even attempted suicide a few times but I just cannot get myself to tell her. I have no idea how to even begin telling her because I know she will be so devastated. She has been dealing with depression as well and I'm scared of what she might do if I were to tell her. I can't even bring myself to tell my psychologist about this because I am completely aware of what a disgusting thing this is. I also have a few good online friends as this fake persona. I desperately need help and tips on how to stop this lie.
I am apparently very good at this, I have a bunch of social media sites, lots of pictures, lots of "real life friends" and it is probably very hard to realize that this person is not real.
Please note that I do not need a lecture on what a bad person I am and all that stuff, I am very aware of that. I just need help on how to put an end to this.
Sidenote; I don't think I would be okay with just deleting everything and leaving without giving any sort of explanation, they deserve better than that.

- Allie - 04-08-2014 02:22 AM

Tell the truth. That's all you can do or delete the profiles.

- postal p - 04-08-2014 02:24 AM

It is better to just delete and disappear. Some people can't handle the truth.