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For HTC One owners.... how to make phone run faster? - Printable Version

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For HTC One owners.... how to make phone run faster? - Fairy04 - 04-08-2014 03:02 AM

My new phone is going so slow! Especially the internet! When I go to settings, apps, and look at the running... There are lots and I don't know how to clear them. Also, is there a way to get rid of cookies? On my old bb you could alt and lglg and you could delete cookies. Any tips on making this phone go faster (please give full explainations on how to do it as I'm new to this phone)

- Stu - 04-08-2014 03:17 AM

try rebooting the phone once a day.
download an app called greenify and hibernate apps like facebook or anything you can that doesn't need to be running unless its open (this WILL stop notifications for those apps so dont hibernate SMS/phone/email/messaging apps ect) this will keep your running apps list pretty minimal, as well as save you some battery at the same time.

as for the cookies, not sure, if its possible, its going to be in the settings of the browser. I have never cleared cookies on my android phones and they never slow down much. also keep your open tabs to a wifes browser slows to a crawl, but that is because she NEVER closes browser windows and has like 20+open at a time. my browser, which never has more than 5 open at a time is alwas super fast and smooth.