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Is it possible for men to fall in love with attractive woman or do we all just use them for sex? - Printable Version

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Is it possible for men to fall in love with attractive woman or do we all just use them for sex? - Do You Even Feel - 04-08-2014 04:01 AM

Recently I noticed all my life I've been putting attractive woman on a pedestal I'm more friendly towards them and I treat them with more respect than I do to average looking woman in hopes of finally having meaningless with one of them
(I know you're probably thinking I'm an asshole, I wont deny it)

It made me think, are all other men the same as me towards attractive woman? they only want to be in relationship / marry them for hot sex and just pretend they're in love with her so she doesn't get hurt?

As of now I doubt attractive woman will ever know true love: A guy from my year is dating a Thai girl who's attitude is just as nasty as her beauty is undeniable yet we just can't get enough of her, every guy wants some.
Does he love her or is she just an object to him? (she's rude, she swears and hits him alot)
I'm sure a guy wouldn't think twice about dating her if she wasn't attractive

As of now I'll try to be less shallow and avoid attractive woman in hopes it will make up for my past ways and build stronger friendships with the woman I've neglected all my life (I deleted every single woman I lusted for of my Facebook account)

- rodney h - 04-08-2014 04:16 AM

it's the undeniable power of the pussy.

just when you think you've escaped, it pulls you back in....

- Jordan - 04-08-2014 04:27 AM

of course you will always notice a womens looks first. and women are the same when it comes to men, but the love wont come if you don't like her personality. And sometimes you don't notice someone is attractive until you get to know them if that makes any sense. I once knew this guy sense middle school and I never once gave him a second thought until like 10th grade this sudden attraction just like hit me. It was like seeing him for the first time. I had the biggest crush on him for the rest of high school. I guess my point is that you don't get to choose who you like. It just happens. And there is a difference between really truly liking someone and just wanting to have sex with them. There are plenty of guys Id love to have one night stands with but would never in my right mind marry them or have a serious relationship with. I wouldn't say that you have to stay away from attractive women. Just don't use them. there are women out there who would be perfectly happy with just sex and nothing more. so don't lie and tell women you're in love with them. If you want meaningless sex then find a woman who wants the same thing. Im sure your capable of love you just haven't found anyone important enough to you. One day it will just hit you and you wont be able to explain it.

- 976 - 04-08-2014 04:33 AM

It's not just you and it's not just men, it's the whole world. Looks count for more than anyone will admit. But yeah you can fall in love with a hot one if her hotness hasn't gone to her head but that's a very rare find. Facebook's not helping at all. I see women get dozens of likes on their photos and just person after person telling them how beautiful they are every time they upload something.

I don't think it's mentally healthy but I honestly can't blame them for feeling so high and mighty, since they kind of are. Just be glad you're getting the hot girls now. If you really mean your last paragraph and it starts today, you can always change your ways and find a girl with a beautiful personality, but unlike you a lot of guys will NEVER get to have the sex that you've had. Good sex. Sex with the lights on.

I'm not saying what you've been doing is right, I'm just saying remember to be grateful for whatever it is about you that makes these women like you because whether it's good looks, money, or chloroform, not everyone gets to have it.