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Can we access their routers? - Printable Version

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Can we access their routers? - Forward - 04-08-2014 04:04 AM

When we have a WiFi at home, we need a wireless router. We then use a wireless adapter and connect to our PC to connect to it.

However, can our wireless adapter accidentally access our neighbours' wireless routers? In doing so, we can also access their ISP? After all, our neighbours live close to us and our signal can travel over to their routers.

- lilcrumb033 - 04-08-2014 04:09 AM

Yes. If they have an access point close enough to your adapter, it will pick up the signal. However, most are protected with a password. If it isn't, it is an unsafe and open network. If your neighbors' signal has no password, tell them immediately. If you don't have a password for your network set one up ASAP. Most of the time, because of object interference and distance the signal will not be strong.

If you don't know how to set a password or put up a firewall to protect yourself, call the company that makes your router. It's very simple. If you're worried about that signal transferring over too far there are dual band routers that have 2 channels (2.4 ghz and 5.0 ghz) 2.4 travels farther, the farther it goes the weaker the signal. 5.0 is best for streaming videos and other content in the same room at close range. So if you can stay within a close distance of that 5.0 signal, you'd get a fast signal that will less likely travel to your neighbors' house. Turn off the 2.4 ghz signal and leave on the 5.0.

- David - 04-08-2014 04:10 AM


Your wireless adapter can only connect to your neigbours if they do not have the key configured for wireless which make it an open network to join. In which case you can access their ISP for browsing and you will not be charged for it hope this answer your question.

Good Luck.