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My boyfriend constantly likes other girls selfies? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend constantly likes other girls selfies? - T - 04-08-2014 04:04 AM

My boyfriend is constantly liking other girls pictures on Instagram and Facebook, and all the pictures are the girls "selfies" and there's one girl in particular, he likes every single one of her selffies. We are both 19 and have been dating for 6 months. It really bugs me. I don't really get jealous, but when I see that he likes all these girls pictures it makes me feel really upset and insecure (I generally am a very insecureerson anyway) I don't feel the need to like other boys pictures but I do because I feel like I have to because he does it. Is it worth saying something to him or am I being way too sensaitive ?

- Ry - 04-08-2014 04:14 AM

you said you don't get jealous, but this sounds like jealousy to me. Let him know your feelings on it. Dont like other boys photos just to be "even" with him.

- Phantommeat266 - 04-08-2014 04:21 AM

Connor here. I think that you might be overreacting a bit here. Maybe you could ask him why he does it if you want to make your feelings clear, but don't be protective of him. Many girls I've encountered make the mistake of trying to helicopter over their boyfriends, and the guys hate that.

Play it cool. It'll work out.


- ♥Tatty Teddy ♥ - 04-08-2014 04:30 AM

Dnt over react Smile it may be just something simple: like he is just one of those people who like every pic someone puts up . If it is really annoying you, talk to him about it but for now just leave it.

- me - 04-08-2014 04:34 AM

It's rude. It's his way of saying "You look hot here" without actually saying it. He'll probably just say you're overreacting if you say something, so I would start liking a bunch of other guys' photos meanwhile. Not sure why that one guy said not to, it's a great way to get him to bring it up

- Mara86 - 04-08-2014 04:36 AM

He does this because first he doesn't really care that he hurts you, he knows that isn't fair, but he does it anyway. Secondly a person really in love with his girl, would cherish her and want her only, and no other girl would compare. I think a woman deserves a man that never stops telling her how beautiful she is and how lucky he is to have her, and that no other girl matters to him. But not all are capable of such love, selfish lust is all they have.