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How to make a fake facebook page for project? - Printable Version

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How to make a fake facebook page for project? - some girl - 10-15-2012 08:23 PM

I need to create a fake facebook for a God for my English class.
Where can I create a fake one that looks real. and do you have any ideas of which God would be nice for this? (I need to put facts about them there as if it was their profile)
I was going to do Zeus but I realized a lot of people are doing him, so..

Don't need to answer the second question, it's just for ideas.
thank you

- Ronnie - 10-15-2012 08:31 PM

Why you are creating fake page? just create a page. Go to your Facebook home, on the right you would see a menu, bottom of the menu you would see under pages category "create a page" . click on that and select which type of page you want. Otherwise just visit any page, on the top of the page you would see "create a page" link click on that. if you have any doubt just visit Facebook help and type your question.