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Why did this guy "like" my picture on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why did this guy "like" my picture on Facebook? - Aisling - 10-15-2012 08:23 PM

This guy that was in my year in high school liked one of my pictures on facebook today. He was clearly looking at my page because he liked a picture of mine that was in an album.
It wasnt a really gorgoues picture, but it wasnt really that bad of a picture either. I am pictured with another girl in the picture. So i dunno maybe he liked the picture cause she was in it or something,. im not quite sure.
This guy I dont really talk to much and he has just split up with his girlfriend yesterday.
Why did he "like" my picture?
Thanks Smile

- Tyler - 10-15-2012 08:31 PM

Probably because he liked it.

- Luke - 10-15-2012 08:31 PM


- Cody - 10-15-2012 08:31 PM

It could be a number of reasons, but my guess is he likes you if he did this just after the breakup when you don't know him that well. You could try talking to him and see where the conversation goes.

- chris b - 10-15-2012 08:31 PM

This cannot be a serious question, can it? Sure, he was "clearly" looking at your page if he "liked" one of your pictures and he took the time to tell you that he did! Sure, it could be that he really liked her and not you...doesn't everyone like the other person in the photo better? Sure, it could be that he broke it off with his girlfriend yesterday and he's "shopping" for another girl to dupe into a relationship with him! Sure, it's probably because he doesn't talk too much that you're wondering enough about it and felt compelled to come to Yahoo! Answers to ask this most pressing and pertinent question! Sure is a puzzlement isn't it? Sure...and I know the guy too and do you know what? No, I didn't think you did...HE LIED!!!