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plenty of fish message limit? - Printable Version

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plenty of fish message limit? - Sergio - 04-08-2014 04:14 AM

Is plenty of fish Cblocking me? I hit it off real good messaging girls making them laugh the first messages and then after the third one I send they never reply back! OK so I thought I was boring or they weren't interested but it keeps happening to me with all the cool girls I talk to! Is there a limit of messages you can send to one person?! Are they deleting my last one from being sent because I am not a boring tape recorder when I message, I keep the flow going. If there is then I might as well ask for their number the first message which will be a turnoff and that I want to get in their pants. Any explanations?

- Mr. Mint - 04-08-2014 04:16 AM

Not that I'm aware of but you'll want to keep your messages to a certain limit. If you're having success that's great now try to build as much rapport within 10 messages. Go for the number, switch to personal email or skype video chat is also an option. You don't wanna get into spending all your time on there chatting it up with women. Keep it moving is the key.

I hope this answer has been helpful. Also for more tips there's a book you can check out called The Slacker's Method: A How To Guide For Meeting Women On Craigslist. Even though the book is geared towards Craigslist, the author also talks about other dating sites and ways to present yourself so you can continuously meet women. Check it out!