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Highschool Freshman advice? - Krysta - 04-08-2014 04:15 AM

I start school August 14 and it's a full school day.
I've been told the friends you walk into highschool won't be the same half way through it, is it true?
My grades were really bad in 8th grade and advice how to keep them up?
As for sports and clubs there is a couple clubs that I'm going to join.
As for orientation my school is weird and we had that in March, they just went over class descriptions and stuff we didn't get are schedules.
Then in May we toured the school.

Main thing I want advice on is:
How to keep your grades up?
Is Freshman Friday true?
Advice in how NOT to get lost the First day?
Bringing your lunch the first day?
Any other tips for highschool?
*10 points best answer*

- Soren - 04-08-2014 04:22 AM

Depending on what high school you're going to, there's almost always some sort of freshman orientation the first week to get you guys used to it. Also, just remember that you're not the only freshman. There's a ton of other kids experiencing this for the first time. In all honesty, high school work will be less annoying than middle school work because it will be pretty logical, but it will just require some more work. If you find a way to enjoy your studies (which is easier than in middle school, man, f*** middle school) then you will be fine as far as grades. Bringing your lunch is fine. About friends, some may change. If your friends are girls, they're more likely to change a lot than guys will, but everyone's different, so don't take that as a hard rule. Your true friends will remain loyal to you.

- Erikaa - 04-08-2014 04:29 AM

Your friends you had during 8th grade may or may not be your friends still in high school. people change, you may change and find different friends.. dont ever worry about not having friends. keeping your grades up isnt hard. DO your homework! it gives you those little points that boost your grade up. and of course study for tests no matter how much you dont want to, youll regret it when you get your grade back. and pay attention in class. dont mess around with your friends the whole time. and freshman friday isnt true. atleast it wasnt at my school. i go to a really little high school and the upperclassmen dont even know who i am and they probably wont know who you are either so dont worry. you wont get lost. your schedule should have class room numbers on it. ask someone if you ever need help. they dont mind. about bringing your lunch, sure. just so you dont have to worry about not getting a seat or not knowing where to go. Tip: be friends with all grades, get on everyones good side and you wont have any problems.

- sponageboy5050 - 04-08-2014 04:36 AM

Hey I'm going to be a freshmen too so I know where you're coming from. Keeping your grades up has to be something that comes from you. You need to make sure you pay attention to the teachers and learn from what they say. Yea, you can have fun at times but know when to have fun and when to be serious. ASK QUESTIONS! The teachers are there to help you out so ask as many questions as you need to ask. If you feel like you're still doing bad, talk to your guidance counselor I'm sure they can help you out. As far as freshman Friday goes. I have no clue what that is. How NOT to get lost the fist day would be asking for a map of the school and highlighting all your classes that way you can look at it while walking to each class. You can also ask teachers or staff that you pass by you to see if they can help you out.You don't have to bring your lunch the first day but that's all up to your school if they require it then bring it. If not just don't worry about it. If they have problems with the lunch account or anything they'll probably give you the lunch free and they'll tell you what you need to do to get your account working. Tips would just go with the flow and be you. It'll be alright staff and teachers will be there to help you out Smile.

- Iratejudge946 - 04-08-2014 04:43 AM

I'm starting high school too. Don't worry about its high school so making friends should be fairly easy. Just be yourself and don't be the typical freshman stereotype. Ways to avoid that would be not running around chasing friends or saying dumb things, just be cool and relax. Also don't let anyone punk you, so don't be too nice and stand up for yourself when someone is bullying you people like confidence and make them want to be friends with you.

High school is a big step out of the park, you have more freedom rather than middle school. People are nicer then some aren't . Also you don't have to wear uniform. There are more extracurricular activities . And sports too. Watch out for people full of drama and if you do that your freshman will be good.

Be social. Get out there and talk to people, everyone will be nervous on the first day so take advantage of that and talk to people, say this "Hi, my name is _____", I guarantee they will respond back . Try to make at least two friends per class and then three the next day and so on, you'll quickly gain friends. Also, set up a time to eat lunch together. Also use the social network such as Instagram or Facebook, but instagram is better and most people will notice, hey that's that kid who followed me on instagram.

Good Hygiene. Brush your teeth, take a shower every day, use deodorant, etc.

Style, high school is the opportunity to express yourself through clothes, so use whatever works best. Personally, I use polo, Nikes, Adidas, Jordans , sperrys, and vans I use other things too. But I recommend this if your a guy too.

Have a smartphone so you can text and listen to music at school, use an iPhone or a Samsung galaxy .

Study study study. Time management is essential in high school. So always do your homework it's like 40% of your grade as well doing well on tests

Dang, I wrote a story up there lol, and not to mention look out for those back to school commercials they should come around mid July or near the end. I had this for another person.