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Shoud I just directly & honestly tell this girl that I like her? - Printable Version

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Shoud I just directly & honestly tell this girl that I like her? - kps - 04-08-2014 04:16 AM


There is this girl in my neighborhood. She stays in the building adjacent to mine. I have known her since two years. Both of us don’t know each other (well we just know each other by our faces)
Now let me elaborate the whole scenario-
I’m a 20 Year old Man. I first saw her (As mentioned above since I both of us do not know each other, so I do not know what her name is but because I don’t want to keep using the pronoun “her” again & again; Let’s give her a name, say, Jαήe) in February 2012 at a nearby shop in my neighborhood, that day I had gone to buy some eggs & there I saw her, she was along with her friend. I thought to myself what every man thinks when he sees an attractive woman. I kept looking at Jαήe & thought that she must just be some random customer. After that I made my payment & left the shop. I was 18 then & she appeared to be 16 or 17, but she could not have been more than my age. Anyways I didn’t think too much about Jαήe, since I thought she was just another customer & also because I liked some other Girl back then. And that was that, I went home & forgot about Jαήe; just like I do about so many cute women I see every day.

So Life moved on, Throughout 2012 I had minor crushes on many girls but nothing worked, either I lacked the courage to tell those girls that I liked them or I Came to know that they already had boyfriends. And soon I found myself in that ‘Forever Alone’ Category. I and another close friend of mine were the only few guys who didn’t have any female company whatsoever. By the time 2012 was coming to an end I had accepted the reality that I just couldn’t get girls & accepted my fate of being alone & so I started to focus on my academic work. Then suddenly one day, (I remember it was during the last week of 2012, since it was Christmas Time) I again saw Jαήe while I was playing soccer with my friends near my building. I thought to myself,”It’s that girl again! Who I had seen a long time back in that general store!” So I derived the inference that Jαήe too lived in the same neighborhood as mine. I was quite happy to know that this cute girl lives in my locality.

Then Four months later, it was April 2013; I once again saw Jαήe (this was only the 3rd time I had seen her). That day I was in a hurry & I noticed a group of girls standing. I couldn’t stop myself from having a look at those girls & to my surprise, Jαήe was also amongst them. I was jogging my way back home since I had some urgent work but when I saw her, I stopped in my tracks, because she was looking absolutely gorgeous! Since then I developed a small crush on her, little did I know what was about to happen. But I was sure that on these three instances just as I had noticed/saw her, she too must have noticed me, since we even had an eye contact once.

Then in the month of July My mother had sent me to buy something & while I was on my way I saw Jαήe & she was with her parents. I recognized her Father as I had seen him multiple times before near my building. That day I found out that not only does she live in my neighborhood but also that we stay in adjacent buildings! And now it so happened that I started seeing Jαήe quite frequently, while I was going to buy something or if I was taking Hercules (my pug, passed away in January) on a walk I used to come across her many times. The two of us had multiple eye contacts. This continued for a while & now I was seriously getting attracted to her. But the moment came in the month of October Last year. I was helping a stray dog outside my building & she was passing by, I didn’t know she was there. But when I looked up she was walking past me and I think she had a smile on her face. That day my small crush evolved into a Big crush. I had now begun thinking about her; she was always there in my thoughts. Now I had even been seeing her in my dreams!

So that was October, In the Month of November I was out of town & in December I was preoccupied with some other work which kept me indoors & I hard got any time to go outdoors. Now just a week ago, last Saturday when I was walking back home, Jαήe was walking past me & when I saw her, My heart started beating faster, I had butterflies in my stomach. That day I realized that I really like very much.

So that was my story with her, now this is where I need help/advice. I have decided that the next time I see Jαήe /she is walking past me; I’ll just go & approach her & request her to talk with me for 5 minutes. If she obliges, then I’ll ask her what her name is & then I’ll tell her exactly how I feel & have felt about her. I also plan on giving Jαήe MY contact number & I’ll tell her that if she intends or would like to remain in touch she can give me a call or message me. This time I have decided I’m not going to let the chance slip & be a shy moron, I won’t repeat the mistake I have committed in the past of not being able to tell the girl I like, about my feelings towards her, and then I would later regret after she was already out of my life. So this time I won’t regret later on.

If I don’t get any call/message from her within 2-3 weeks I’ll presume she is not interested or worse If she rejects me flat-out or has a boyfriend; I won’t have any regrets because this time at least I’ll
be content that I was Man enough to tell a Girl how I feel about her.
Also this time I won’t be using any social media or try to get to know Jαήe through some mutual friends. I have learned that relationships must be REAL, not VIRTUAL, so I won’t be using any FB whatsoever. If things go well, I will try to meet her as much as possible; take her for a movie or go on a walk with her or take her to a café, or otherwise I’ll call her up & talk & only occasionally will I Message her. No chatting, No WhatsApp! As far as getting to know her through some “friends”; I would rather prefer to be rejected outright than to get someone else to help me out or rather get screwed even before I get a chance. I have tried this is the past & have some very bitter experiences about taking the “get to know her through some friends” route. This friend thing has screwed my chances even before I could get into a relationship with a girl. So I have decided that now I’ll fight my battles all alone.

SO what do you have to say about this? Should I go ahead with my ‘Care a Damn’ a
attitude, because in any case rejection does not affect me anymore & therefore I have nothing to lose & everything to gain. So should I go ahead with my ideas & just directly & honestly tell her the truth?

- Matthew - 04-08-2014 04:19 AM

Not trying to be rude but to be direct, you talk to much. Just be direct and to the point. Short and sweet goes a lot further than drawn out and over detailed. The answer to your question is that yes, do approach her, introduce yourself and ask her name. Open a dialog with her and see what happens. Regardless of if you get a date or not, you won't have any regrets or what ifs looming around in your mind. Back 20 years ago before social media, we did all out dating without it. And yes, marriages and happy families were formed without the use of Facebook and twitter. I would say to leave that stuff on the back burner till she asks. This girl is that special, then treat her like you would no other woman. I wish you the best on your endeavor!

- No Name - 04-08-2014 04:22 AM

start off slow buddy or you'll scare her off... just tell her you've seen her around and would like to know her name and hang out from time to time... as friends... DO NOT TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL... IT COULD BE ONE-SIDED.. WHICH WOULD CREEP HER OUT... ELIMINATING YOUR EVERY CHANCE WITH HER.