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Facebook heading down the pan already....? - Printable Version

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Facebook heading down the pan already....? - Level 7 Troll - 10-15-2012 08:23 PM

Considering the average user is 1 braincell below plankton it seems the market has realised the prospect of gaining any revenue from it is pure fantasy.
I am yet to be convinced that it is no more than another get rich quick scam.
Flipper never have never will....know some who have but walked away for obvious reasons.
I wonder how many of the 900 million accounts get used still...probably less than
Flipper never have never will....know some who have but walked away for obvious reasons.
I wonder how many of the 900 million accounts get used still...probably less than
One other fact...I was a serious user of this site until the FB crew turned me into a Troll...o.0

- Adam - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

Glug Glug Glug ,,,,,,Good !

- Reiver - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

A time will come when it becomes a bargain buy, this isn't the first share issue to lose money, then gain again from a low level. The question is, can you tell the difference between a bargain and an overpriced asset!

- Maia - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

How the hell does it make any money? Not from the morons who use it surely?

I am so glad I am not interested in social networking at all.

- Chosen Man - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

You sound surprised.

$70billion of its' original offer price was made up of 'good will' and 'hope of future revenues'.

They are non-voting shares, so control rests with the company, and there were around 250 million shares. At $38 a share, the company would have to make $250million profit every year for 38 years and pay out all profits as dividends, just for you to get your money back. As it isn't making a profit, you need to have a benevolent g-d, a good fairy g-dmother, or know something the rest of the world doesn't to gamble on these shares. The Banks have made their profits in commissions etc.

Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.

We've all been here before, only then it was the 'dotcom bubble', this time it is the 'small revenue, no profit, wishful thinking bubble'.

- Flipper - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

you got a fb account?

i bet you have, now say you haven't, go on..

edit: i have, i don't see what's so bad about it.. but having one less brain cell then a baby shrimp i guess the peter principal kicks in huh..

hey that's nothing i was a muslim before mojo pissed me off.

- John Ashtone - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

As revenues are only $1,Billion at present and any one with a brain is finding it hard to see how they are going to substantially improve on that.

But what do the owners care, they have reamed the now shareholders of $16 Billion which might be worth $1.6 billion tops, and my joke price of $160 million is looking more and more a likely figure.

This would value the whole company at about $1 Billion, not a particularly big number in present terms.

- Blue - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

the 'FB crew' turned everyone they didn't like into trolls, the truth was they are the biggest trolls of all if they had ever stopped to read what constitutes internet trolls.
let them have their little FB pages where they post and giggle and tear other people to pieces and set their pages to private to make sure their childish diatribe's are not seen by anyone other than their chosen gang.
And if it does go down the pan, let's hope the pan is big enough for their amassed narcissistic egos