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Correcting my Javascript math program? - Printable Version

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Correcting my Javascript math program? - Ajtolie - 04-08-2014 04:17 AM

Below is my Javascript math program. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong but it will not function properly. Please help!

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<title>JavaScript Functions</title>

<script type="text/javascript">
var num1 = 0;//acts as a place holder for the user number
var num2 = 0;//acts as a place holder for the user's second number
var calculatedNum = 0;//place holder for the user's answer

function calculation() {
// type your calculation and output statements here
calculatedNum = num1 * num2;//equation for the user's two numbers//holds user's first number and second number, then multiplies them together
num1 = prompt("Please type the first number");//prompt asking for the user's first number
num2 = prompt("Please type the second number");//prompt asking for the user's second number

alert( num1 + " x " + num2 + " is " + calculatedNum + " ! " );
} // end calculation function






- ? - 04-08-2014 04:25 AM

Try wrapping the num&#x27;s in a parseInt()
Or parseFloat.

Check the users input if it contains only number.
Turn &#x27;,&#x27; into &#x27;.&#x27;

Next times, tell what the output is or what happens when it goes wrong.
Like, where you getting only &quot;NaN&quot;? &#x2F;&#x2F;Not a number
Or did you get &quot;null&quot; &#x2F;&#x2F;user hit cancel

- Dominic - 04-08-2014 04:30 AM

The order that things is a bit mixed up. Prompt the user. Then do the calculation. Finally, show the result.

- Dominic

- siteman - 04-08-2014 04:38 AM

javascript reads from top to bottom. your variables were out of order. I fixed this. I also added a button so you can test that the function works, and the button can be easily removed if desired.


<title>JavaScript Functions</title>

<script type="text/javascript">
var num1 = 0;//acts as a place holder for the user number
var num2 = 0;//acts as a place holder for the user's second number
var calculatedNum = 0;//place holder for the user's answer

function calculation() {
// type your calculation and output statements here
num1 = prompt("Please type the first number");//prompt asking for the user's first number
num2 = prompt("Please type the second number");//prompt asking for the user's second number
calculatedNum = num1 * num2;//equation for the user's two numbers//holds user's first number and second number, then multiplies them together
alert( num1 + " x " + num2 + " is " + calculatedNum + " ! " );
} // end calculation function



<button onClick="calculation()">test it.</button><!--DELETE THIS ENTIRE LINE TO ENTIRELY REMOVE THE BUTTON-->
