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Does everybody think homeschoolers are weird? - Printable Version

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Does everybody think homeschoolers are weird? - Rapunzel - 04-08-2014 04:18 AM

I feel like everybody thinks homeschoolers are social weirdos! I'm homeschooled, and I have a lot of friends. :/ I'm invited to parties and all that. What's your opinion on homeschoolers?

- ozboz48 - 04-08-2014 04:20 AM

Many people do. Mythology about homeschoolers, as perpetrated by the educational system and the mass media, plus fear, fuel their attitudes.

Once my daughter got to college, no one asked her about her schooling. It was quit a relief.

- Anika - 04-08-2014 04:26 AM

I don't think anything of them. I have my own life and problems to worry about.

- Frankie - 04-08-2014 04:30 AM

There are a lot of negative stereotypes that still exist about homeschooling. Many of them persist due to ignorance. People believe what they want without really taking the time to find out if its true. However, your statement that "everybody" is just as stereotypical from homeschooling viewpoint as well. There are those who do and those who don't think homeschoolers are weird. Just like there are outgoing and shy public school students, there are outgoing and shy homeschoolers as well. Being homeschooled doesn't change the nature of the child, just their environment.

- SHARIFUL - 04-08-2014 04:34 AM

Just like there are outgoing and shy public school students

- anon - 04-08-2014 04:38 AM

Exactly what Frankie said. It is about ignorance.You could look up general reasons for stereotyping and it will answer this question, as well as why anyone stereotypes. Stereotypes help people make sense of what they don't understand. Putting people, in this case homeschooled people, into tidy groups helps them simplify things. People who do not have experience with homeschooling make sense of it with stereotypes.

Now everyone does not stereotype homeschooled students. That's a really broad sweep. Stereotypes about homeschooled kids are not unlike some of the stereotypes many homeschooled kids and parents make about schooled kids. Like that they are all sluts and do drugs. They don't take part in any activities. They just go to school and go home. They never talk to anyone who isn't their own age.

Most people just aren't that interested in his others are educated. Som put down others to build themselves up. But there are always those people in any choice you make.